Thursday, May 29, 2008

BIND zone forwarding problems

Since we will be implementing AD domain controller in our enterprise, I decided it was time to test out the water with a real installation. All said n'done, I ended up with a test box with brand new Windows 2008 Server installation. It looks nice, I like the interface. Mac OS X is better though. :)

Let's get to business.

I needed to have a FQDN on that box, since it was going to be the first DC in the forest and will be running DNS server. I chose one that is delegated, of course, to our FreeBSD/BIND nameservers, and instead of delegating a subdomain, I decided just to forward the whole domain name to that box.

I added the following configuration directives to /etc/namedb/named.conf.

zone "" {
type forward;
forward only;
forwarders {;

rndc reload, and one would think that's it. No. When dig'ing, it would work. On a plain resolve - no.

The solution was to add the nameserver itself in its /etc/resolv.conf, and everything started to work.

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