Sunday, June 24, 2007

How to prevent Outlook Express from automatically displaying messages

Not FreeBSD related at all of course, but oh well.. let's have it in my knowledge base. :)

An user called me with a problem - he couldn't delete a message from his Outlook Express, because it was too big, and his computer would simply crash when trying to open it. The solution was

1) turn off preview pane - View->Layout...->uncheck "Show preview pane"
2) better safe than sorry, perform a correct "Compact folders" procedure.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

SMART disk monitoring

Oh, the drama. When it comes to HDD going down, it's gloves off.

So, to spot bad HDD in a timely manner, I came across the following advice.

Install /usr/ports/systutils/smartmon

and configure it like this (example)
/dev/ad6 -d ata -a -m -M once -s L/../../1/13

this will test device /dev/ad6, -d = device type, -a = all the parameters I need, -m - mail to send report to, M = once - send mail only once -s = perform test on mondays, 13 o'clock.

Basically that's it.

Sendmail SMTP authorization & secure connection

Today, I had to set up SMTP authorization on my FreeBSD 5.4 box. And, of course, since system username & password gets transfered, secure connection, in my opinion (yea, even in my opinion), is a must. Mail users, however, are set to nologin, but better be on the safe side, I guess.

Here's an excellent guide I found with google's help.

Of course, I opted for copy/paste first (as probably all of us do, some just don't admit it)

It was pretty fine, till the time come to restart sendmail. It failed with a message that port is already in use (courtesy of /var/log/maillog). Long story short, I had to comment out
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp, Name=MTA')dnl
from configuration file (probably because it was defined elsewhere but I didn't bother to look) and it started working.

A note - For reasons beyond a mere mortals understanding, Thunderbird 1.5.x.x (OF COURSE I didn't wrote down the exact number) doesn't work with this configuration. However, 2.0 works perfectly. As does Outlook Express. I don't know about other clients, haven't tried. So far so good. There are no angry calls from users, so I'm calling it a day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

PACKAGESITE for pkg_add -r

As always, this hint is for those who like to take shortcuts, not investigate properly yadayada :D

: FreeBSD installed a while ago, and now a need arouses to pkg_add some package. Of course, the original release doesn't have that nice pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-6.0-release/Latest/ directory anymore.

Notes: Of course, this can only be done (I think, since I'm the lame admin) for close releases, and most certainly for one release - 4, 5, or 6..


(of course, replace 6.2 with whatever is needed)
pkg_add -r happily.